All our bags are made in the UK to order. You won't find faster delivery times for custom bags.
Not sure what you are looking for? Our experienced team of packaging pro's can help.
We've cut out the middle man to give the best prices directly to you.
We've always found Creatapack to be a friendly, helpful, and extremely timely supplier. No job is too big or too small. They are always willing to work with us to find solutions to some very time sensitive deadlines. Very good at open and accurate communication. We're so glad we were able to find them as one of our suppliers.
— Susan Loveridge, Sherwin Williams
I’ve used Simon & his team for approximately 2 years now, where they are different is that they actually help you win orders.
They always hit a deadline and the advice they give you makes the difference of winning new business. I am reluctant to offer a testimonial as we have finally found a good supplier but here it is...
— Simon Dutton, Gloweasy Promotions
We use Creatapack on a regular basis and they are always helpful and always go the extra mile, even when we come to them with something tricky they help us to make it work! Alison and Simon are both fab and with them we know our orders are in safe hands
— Gemma M